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Bibliography Tag: weed management systems

Steed, 2016

Stephen Steed, “Dicamba decision looms for governor; limit herbicide’s use, Arkansas panel urges,” December 18, 2016, Arkansas Online.


The governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson is pondering whether to accept recommendations by the state Plant Board to limit dicamba use in the coming growing season over concerns about damage from drift from new GE dicamba-tolerant crops.  FULL TEXT

Purdue Extension, 2013

Purdue Extension, “Corn and Soybean Herbicide Chart,” 2013.


This chart groups herbicides by their modes of action to assist you in selecting herbicides 1) to maintain greater diversity in herbicide use and 2) to rotate among herbicides with different sites of action to delay the development of herbicide resistance.  FULL TEXT

Monsanto, 2015b

Monsanto, “Roundup Ready Plus 2015 Weed Management Recommendations and Incentives: Plains, Midwest, and Northeast,” 2015.


Not Available


Monsanto, 2015

Monsanto, “Roundup Ready Plus 2015 Weed Management Recommendations and Incentives: Midsouth and Southeast,” 2015.


Not Available


Erickson and Bomgardner, 2015

Britt E. Erickson, Melody M. Bomgardner, “Resistant weeds, fears of health effects drive market for alternatives to widely used herbicide,” Chemical and Engineering News, 2015, 93:37.


Not Available


Center for Food Safety, 2012

Center for Food Safety, “Exposure to Herbicide Residues and Herbicide-Resistant Crops,” November 2012.


Not Available


Hartzler et al., 2006

Bob Hartzler, Chris Boerboom, Glenn Nice, Peter Sikkema, “Understanding Glyphosate To Increase Performance: The Glyphosate, Weeds, and Crops Series,” Purdue Extension, 2006.


Glyphosate and Roundup Ready® crops are popular because they provide consistent, broad spectrum weed control with minimal risk of crop injury. On occasion, however, growers experience poor weed control with glyphosate, generally because of application or weather-related factors. This publication examines the factors that affect glyphosate performance and offers management strategies to minimize fluctuations in its effectiveness.  FULL TEXT

Krüger et al., 2014

Monika Krüger, Philipp Schledorn, Wieland Schrödl, Hans-Wolfgang Hoppe, Walburga Lutz, and Awad A. Shehata, “Detection of Glyphosate Residues in Animals and Humans,” Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology, 2014, 4:2, DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000210.


In the present study glyphosate residues were tested in urine and different organs of dairy cows as well as in urine of hares, rabbits and humans using ELISA and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS). The correlation coefficients between ELISA and GC-MS were 0.96, 0.87, 0.97and 0.96 for cattle, human, and rabbit urine and organs, respectively. The recovery rate of glyphosate in spiked meat using ELISA was 91%. Glyphosate excretion in German
dairy cows was significantly lower than Danish cows. Cows kept in genetically modified free area had significantly lower glyphosate concentrations in urine than conventional husbandry cows. Also glyphosate was detected in different organs of slaughtered cows as intestine, liver, muscles, spleen and kidney. Fattening rabbits showed significantly higher glyphosate residues in urine than hares. Moreover, glyphosate was significantly higher in urine of humans with
conventional feeding. Furthermore, chronically ill humans showed significantly higher glyphosate residues in urine than healthy population. The presence of glyphosate residues in both humans and animals could haul the entire population towards numerous health hazards, studying the impact of glyphosate residues on health is warranted and the global regulations for the use of glyphosate may have to be re-evaluated.  FULL TEXT

Szekacs and Darvas, 2012

András Székács and Béla Darvas, “Forty Years with Glyphosate,” 2010, in Herbicides- Properties, Synthesis, and Control of Weeds, edited by Mohammed Naguib Abd El-Ghany Hasaneen.


Not Available



Dill et al., 2010

Gerald M. Dill, R. Douglas Sammons, Paul C. C.  Feng, Frank Kohn, Keith Kretzmer, Akbar Mehrsheikh, Marion Bleeke, Joy L. Honegger, Donna Farmer, Dan Wright, and Eric A. Haupfear, “Glyphosate: Discovery, Development, Applications, and Properties,” 2010, in Glyphosate Resistance in Crops and Weeds: History, Development, and Management, Edited by Vijay K. Nandula.


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