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Bibliography Tag: rural health

Zahnd et al., 2009

Zahnd, W. E., Scaife, S. L., & Francis, M. L.; “Health literacy skills in rural and urban populations;” American Journal of Health Behavior, 2009, 33(5), 550-557; DOI: 10.5993/ajhb.33.5.8.


OBJECTIVE: To determine whether health literacy is lower in rural populations.

METHOD: We analyzed health, prose, document, and quantitative literacy from the National Assessment of Adult Literacy study. Metropolitan Statistical Area designated participants as rural or urban.

RESULTS: Rural populations had lower literacy levels for all literacy types (P<0.001 for each). After adjusting for known confounders, there was no longer a difference in health or prose literacy (P>0.05). However, rural populations had higher document (P=0.04) and quantitative (P=0.01) literacy.

CONCLUSION: Health literacy is lower in the rural population although this difference is explained by known confounders.

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