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Polansek and Flitter, 2017

Tom Polansek and Emily Flitter, “EPA eyes limits for agricultural chemical linked to crop damage,” Reuters, September 5, 2017.


More details on proposed EPA regulatory action ahead of 2018 growing season to address dicamba damage crisis.  EPA is considering a cut-off date in spring or early summer for dicamba applications, allowing pre-emergence spraying only.   The agency calls the extensive damage of this season unacceptable and warns of “significant changes” to the rules.  This will impact Monsanto’s bottom line:  “If the EPA imposed a April 15 cut-off date for dicamba spraying, that would be catastrophic for Xtend – it invalidates the entire point of planting it.”  Article also notes the high cost of dicamba seed as farmers try and decide the benefit of ordering the resistant seed. ” Dicamba-tolerant soybeans cost about $64 a bag, compared with about $28 a bag for Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soybeans and about $50 a bag for soybeans resistant to Bayer’s Liberty herbicide.”


Abbott, 2017

Chuck Abbott, “Dicamba is ‘tremendous success,’ says Monsanto; EPA mulls rule change,” FERN’s AG Insider, August 31, 2017.


Monsanto claims they will have enough dicamba-resistant seed available for half the U.S. soybean acreage, and chief technology officer Robb Fraley described dicamba as a “tremendous success” for most farmers.  EPA, however, is considering changes ahead of the 2018 season. “We don’t consider this to be normal growing pains for a new technology,” says an EPA official who oversees herbicide regulations.  Monsanto again claims the key is “strict adherence to instructions.” FULL TEXT

Dewey, 2017

Caitlin Dewey, “This miracle weed killer was supposed to save farms. Instead, it’s devastating them.” The Washington Post, 8/29/2017.


Washington Post story reports on ongoing damage from dicamba.  Important points in the article include the potential for drift- “According to a 2004 assessment, dicamba is 75 to 400 times more dangerous to off-target plants than the common weed killer glyphosate, even at very low doses. It is particularly toxic to soybeans — the very crop it was designed to protect — that haven’t been modified for resistance.”  Reports on latest numbers- 3.1 million acres in 16 states.  ‘“It’s really hard to get a handle on how widespread the damage is,” said Bob Hartzler, a professor of agronomy at Iowa State University. “But I’ve come to the conclusion that [dicamba] is not manageable.”’  FULL TEXT


Smith, 2016a

Steve Smith, “RE: Citizen’s Petition to Classify Pesticides with the Active Ingredient Dicamba as Restricted Use,” Save Our Crops Coalition Petition to the EPA, May 24, 2016.


Non-target plant damage associated with herbicide spray drift and volatilization is a  major concern for specialty crop growers and processors. Credible estimates project significant increases in the amount of dicamba that will be applied upon the introduction of dicamba-tolerant crops, and, dicamba, because of its potential to drift and volatilize, has proven to be one of America’s most dangerous herbicides for non-target plant damage. Thus, SOCC respectfully submits the following petition requesting EPA conduct a classification review of products with the active ingredient dicamba to determine whether any or all such products should be classified for restricted use.  FULL TEXT

AAPCO, 2005

Association of American Pesticide Control Operators,” 2005 Pesticide Drift Enforcement Survey,”  2005.


Reports on the results from 2002 and 2003 farmer surveys, including on pesticide drift damage.  FULL TEXT

Center for Food Safety, 2012

Center for Food Safety, “Summary of Center for Food Safety’s Science Comments to EPA on Monsanto’s Request to Register Dicamba Herbicide for Use on Monsanto’s Dicamba-Resistant MON 87708 Soybean,” September 21, 2012.


In brief, the introduction of MON 87708 would trigger a huge increase in the use of
dicamba herbicide in American agriculture. This in turn would trigger numerous adverse impacts, including: 1) Rapid evolution of weeds resistant to dicamba and related herbicides; 2) Much increased crop damage from the highly volatile dicamba drifting onto neighbors’ crops; 3) Potential health harms to farmers and the public from greater exposure to dicamba; and 4) Injury to wild plants and animals that depend on them, including threatened and endangered species, from dicamba drift and runoff. FULL TEXT

Smith, 2010

Steve Smith, “Deployment of Dicamba-resistant soybeans and what it will mean to canned and frozen food processors and specialty crop growers in the Midwest,” Testimony before Congress, Domestic Policy Subcommittee of Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, September 30, 2010.


Steve Smith, the Director of Agriculture at Red Gold, the largest canned tomato processor in the U.S., testifies before Congress on the approval of dicamba-resistant soybeans. FULL TEXT

Smith, 2016b

Steve Smith, “Save Our Crops Coalition Open Letter to Chairman of Monsanto,” August 9, 2016.


open letter Steve Smith, Chairman of the Save Our Crops Coalition sent to Hugh Grant, Chairman and CEO of the Monsanto Company about drift damage from dicamba spraying on dicamba-resistant crops.  FULL TEXT

Monsanto, 2017a

Robb Fraley for Monsanto, “Dicamba Drift: Monsanto Announces Action Plan,” Monsanto Blog in AgFax, August 8, 2017.


Monsanto releases a 3 part plan to address the surge in dicamba drift complaints. FULL TEXT 

Bradley, 2017b

Kevin Bradley, August 14, 2017, “Update on Dicamba-related Injury Investigations and Estimates of Injured Soybean Acreage,” Integrated Pest and Crop Management Newsletter, University of Missouri.


Updates numbers of dicamba damage nationally- 2,242 complaints and estimated 3.1 million acres damaged.  FULL TEXT

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