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Sacala & Roszak, 2019

Sacała, Elżbieta, & Roszak, Michał, “Mitigation of glyphosate-based herbicide toxicity in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings by ascorbic acid,” Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 2019, 100(5-7), 550-559. DOI: 10.1080/02772248.2019.1567731.


The toxicity of glyphosate at 3.6 mg L−1 to maize seedlings raised from un-treated seeds and the effectiveness of seed pretreatment by soaking in 0.25 mmol L−1 ascorbic acid (AsA) solution for mitigation of toxicity were evaluated in hydroponic culture. Glyphosate dramatically reduced the growth of roots and photosynthetic pigments in the leaves but increased protein content in the leaves. Superoxide dismutase activity and AsA concentration in the roots were increased, and guaiacol peroxidase (GPOX) activity was unaffected. Pretreatment with AsA improved the dry mass of the roots and shoots, increased the protein content in roots and leaves, and significantly decreased the activity of GPOX in roots. The positive effect of AsA treatment was not associated with more efficient functioning of the antioxidative system. FULL TEXT

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