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Paz-y-Miño et al., 2007

César Paz-y-Miño, María Eugenia Sánchez,  Melissa Arévalo,  María José Muñoz, Tania Witte, Gabriela Oleas De-la-Carrera,  Paola E. LeoneI, “Evaluation of DNA damage in an Ecuadorian population exposed to glyphosate,” Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2007, 30:2, DOI: 10.1590/S1415-47572007000300026


We analyzed the consequences of aerial spraying with glyphosate added to a surfactant solution in the northern part of Ecuador. A total of 24 exposed and 21 unexposed control individuals were investigated using the comet assay. The results showed a higher degree of DNA damage in the exposed group (comet length = 35.5 µm) compared to the control group (comet length = 25.94 µm). These results suggest that in the formulation used during aerial spraying glyphosate had a genotoxic effect on the exposed individuals. FULL TEXT


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