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Gullickson, 2017

Gil Gullickson, “Why Dicamba-Tolerant Soybean Technology is in Trouble,” July 11, 2017, Successful Farming,


This article reports on dicamba drift in Missouri, where damage to date is tallied at 203,045 acres on soybeans, as well as over 6,500 acres of other crops and gardens, including certified organic vegetable farms.   The damage appears to be caused both by known problems with how and when dicamba is sprayed, and also by greater than expected damage from legal and correct dicamba spraying of the newest varieties that are supposed to be low volatility: BASF’s Engenia, Dupont FeXapan Plus Vapor Grip Technology, and Monsanto’s Xtendimax with Vapor Grip Technology.  In response the Missouri Department of Agriculture voted on July 7, 2017 to temporarily suspend all sales and applications of dicamba.  FULL TEXT

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