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Heartland Stories Radio

HHRA shares its science via Heartland Stories Radio, a weekly 29-minute podcast and radio show hosted by producer and good food pioneer Theresa Marquez. With rotating guests, each show shares important information about what we can all do to ensure a healthy, just food system for the 21st century.

“I have dedicated my 40-year career to protecting family farmers and facing our health crisis through a culture of healthy food,” says Marquez. “I am inspired and dedicated to learn from professionals, using science to understand our problems — but sometimes the best common sense and inspiration comes from people on the ground facing problems and finding solutions that are often fun and creative.”

Heartland Stories Radio Episodes

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Episode 109: Rick Nahmias and Food Forward

Preventing Waste and Fighting Hunger With Fresh Produce


Episode 108: Reginaldo Haslett Marroquin

The Regenerative Poultry

Bill Tracy has been researching sweet corn for 40 years, 30 of them at the University of Wisconsin Madison.

Episode 107: Bill Tracy

Breeding Sweet Corn


Episode 106: Erin Silva

Agroecology and Organic Grain Research

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Episode 105: Cathy Erway

The Art of Eating In


Episode 104: George Siemon

Organic Can Feed the World

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Episode 103: Frances Moore Lappé (re-run)

50 years of Diet for a Small Planet


Episode 102: Lauren Perkins

Being a 4th Generation, Young Female Organic Dairy Farmer

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Episode 101: Robert Gottlieb

Professor Robert Gottlieb, author of “Care-Center Politics” and Farm to School Pioneer


Episode 100: Wade Miller

Small Family Farms, Small Carbon Footprint


Episode 99: Nicole Rakobitsch

Nicole Rakobitsch: Sustainability on Small Organic Family Farms

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Episode 98: Dr. Niesha Douglas

Niesha Douglas: The Story of Food Insecurity in Greensboro, North Carolina


Episode 97: Dr. Marion Nestle

Nutrition, Food and Politics with Marion Nestle


Episode 96: Dr. André Leu

Dr. André Leu: Regeneration International


Episode 95: Marianne LeGreco

Marianne LeGreco: Communication and the Paths to Food Justice

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Episode 94: Naima Dhore

Naima Dhore: The Story of a First-Generation Somali Farmer in Minnesota

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Episode 93: Don Stuart

Don Stuart: “No Farms No Food: Uniting Farmers and Environmentalists to Transform American Agriculture”


Episode 92: Annie Shattuck

Annie Shattuck: Agroecology and Pesticides in Rural Communities in Southeast Asia

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Episode 91: Javier Zamora

Know Your Farmer: Javier Zamora, Organic Farmer & Owner of JSM Organics

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Episode 90: Dr. Julie Guthman

Julie Guthman: “Wilted: Pathogens, Chemicals, and the Fragile Future of the Strawberry Industry”


Episode 89: Teresa Mares

Food systems, Food Justice and Migrant Farm Workers

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Episode 88: Dr. Leonardo Trasande (re-run)

“Sicker, Fatter, Poorer”: Understanding Endocrine Disruptors


Episode 87: Kelly Ryerson (re-run)

The Glyphosate Girl’s Story


Episode 86: Raj Patel (re-run)

“Inflamed”, His Newest Book Co-authored With Rupa Marya


Episode 85: John Ikerd (re-run)

Our Broken Industrial Food System

Jacob Hundt - Sept. 2017

Episode 84: Jacob Hundt

Holistic Higher Education in Microcolleges

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Episode 83: Dr. Michelle Perro

Sick Kids and What Parents Can Do About It


Episode 82: Molly Jahn

The Real Risks in the Food System


Episode 81: Andy Fisher

Big Hunger

tony bedard

Episode 80: Tony Bedard (Re-run)

Frontier Co-op’s Story of Giving Back


Episode 79: Dave Goulson (Re-run)

Silent Earth

About or Our Story

Episode 78: Rachael Jones

The Locavore Farm


Episode 77: Dr. Christopher Carter

The Spirit of Soul Food: Race, Faith, and Food Justice


Episode 76: Liz Carlisle

“Healing Grounds – Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming”


Episode 75: Tammi Jonas

The Story of a Farmer, Agroecologist, and Mindful Meatsmith

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Episode 74: Michel Nischan

Bringing Healthy & Wholesome Food to Those in Need

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Episode 73: Elena Terry

Elena Terry of Wild Bearies: The Healing Power of Ancestral Indigenous Food

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Episode 72: Larry Jacobs

The Story of an Organic Farming Pioneer

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Episode 71: Sarah Nelson

18 Reasons: Why Cooking Still Matters

Ricardo Salvador
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Episode 70: Dr. Ricardo Salvador

The Union of Concerned Scientists

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Episode 69: Michelle Horovitz

Appetite For Change


Episode 68: Jeanette Burlingame

Community Hunger Solutions


Episode 67: Alicia Kennedy

The Entangled Story of Food, Capitalism and Sustainability


Episode 66: Dr. Robert Kremer

Glyphosate and Its Devastating Impact on Soil Biology

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Episode 65: Dr. David Haas

The Science Behind Healthy Moms and Babies


Episode 64: Dr. Asa Bradman

The CHAMACOS Study and the Impact of Pesticides on Farmworker Kids


Episode 63: Autumn Ness

The Movement To Ban Pesticides on Maui

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Episode 62: Chris Bradshaw

Dreaming Out Loud, A Food Justice Social Enterprise

Aimee Code

Episode 61: Aimée Code

The Xerces Society and the Protection of Invertebrates


Episode 60: Dave Goulson

Silent Earth


Episode 59: Dr. Joan Dye Gussow (re-run)

Grow Your Own Food, Eat Healthy and Be Active


Episode 58: Dr. Kara Young (re-run)

Unequal Access: Racial Inequality in Today’s Food Systems


Episode 58: Dr. Kara Young (re-run)

Unequal Access: Racial Inequality in Today’s Food Systems


Episode 58: Dr. Kara Young (re-run)

Unequal Access: Racial Inequality in Today’s Food Systems

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Episode 57: Jose Oliva

Why We Fight for Food Workers

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Episode 56: Atina Diffley

Conversation with Atina Diffley, Organic Farmer and Steward of the Land

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Episode 56: Atina Diffley

Conversation with Atina Diffley, Organic Farmer and Steward of the Land

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Episode 56: Atina Diffley

Conversation with Atina Diffley, Organic Farmer and Steward of the Land

Beth Standing

Episode 55: Beth Hoffman

“Bet the Farm: The Dollars and Sense of Growing Food in America”


Episode 54: Carey Gillam (re-run)

The Monsanto Papers


Episode 54: Carey Gillam (re-run)

The Monsanto Papers


Episode 54: Carey Gillam (re-run)

The Monsanto Papers

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Episode 53: Loren Cardeli

Why I Stand With Small Farmers

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Episode 52: Sophie Ackoff

Young Farmers and Their Future

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Episode 51: Karen Mischel

Becoming Mayor of Viroqua, Wisconsin

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Episode 51: Karen Mischel

Becoming Mayor of Viroqua, Wisconsin

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Episode 51: Karen Mischel

Becoming Mayor of Viroqua, Wisconsin

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Episode 50: Tony Bedard

Frontier Co-op’s Story of Giving Back

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Episode 49: Cynthia Barstow (re-run)

Protect Our Breasts: Young Women Fighting Against Breast Cancer

CB Photo 2017 Fall

Episode 49: Cynthia Barstow (re-run)

Protect Our Breasts: Young Women Fighting Against Breast Cancer

CB Photo 2017 Fall

Episode 49: Cynthia Barstow (re-run)

Protect Our Breasts: Young Women Fighting Against Breast Cancer

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Episode 48: Ashley Koff

The Compassionate Dietician

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Episode 48: Ashley Koff

The Compassionate Dietician

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Episode 48: Ashley Koff

The Compassionate Dietician

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Episode 47: Frances Moore Lappé

50 Years of Diet For a Small Planet

FML 2019 - Photo Credit_ By Michael Piazza (1)

Episode 47: Frances Moore Lappé

50 Years of Diet For a Small Planet

FML 2019 - Photo Credit_ By Michael Piazza (1)

Episode 47: Frances Moore Lappé

50 Years of Diet For a Small Planet

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Episode 46: Melody Meyer

A Passionate Organic Pioneer


Episode 45: Ken Cook

The Story of The Environmental Working Group


Episode 44: Dr. Fred Provenza

The Wisdom of Nourishment

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Episode 43: Ken Lee

Lotus Foods: The Story of Sustainable Rice


Episode 42: Brianna Fiene

Building Resilient and Equitable Food Systems in Wisconsin


Episode 41: Marlaina Freisthler

The Heartland Study: The Impact of Herbicides on Mother and Infant Health


Episode 40: Rupa Marya

Co-author of: “Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice”


Episode 39: Raj Patel

“Inflamed”, His Newest Book Co-authored With Rupa Marya

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Episode 38: Kendra Klein

Kendra Klein from Friends of The Earth on Pollinators, Pesticides and Organic Food

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Episode 37: Karen Washington

The Healing Power of Community Gardens in NYC

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Episode 36: Mary Cleaver

A Local and Sustainable Food Story


Episode 35: Robyn O’Brien

Healthy Soil, Capital and Farming


Episode 34: Dr. Kara Young

Unequal Access: Racial Inequality in Today’s Food Systems

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Episode 33: Ken Meter

“Building Community Food Webs”


Episode 32: Dr. Shakara Tyler

Reclaiming the Ancestral Roots of Black Farming


Episode 31: Fred Kirschenmann

The Three “R’s” in Food and Agriculture – Regenerative, Resilience and Relationship


Episode 30: Carolyn Raffensperger

The Precautionary Principle’s Tale


Episode 29: Cori Skolaski

The Organic Certification Process

Maria Rodale

Episode 28: Maria Rodale

Growing Up Organic


Episode 27: Tom Frantzen

Why Diversity in Farming Leads to Stability

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Episode 26: Audrey Tran Lam

Reducing Urban Pesticides in Iowa

Episode 25: Dr. Kamyar Enshayan

Why Iowa Cannot Feed Itself With Corn and Soybeans

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Episode 24: Cynthia Barstow

Protect Our Breasts: Young Women Fighting Against Breast Cancer


Episode 23: Dr. Samina Raja

Food Systems Change Agent

Tom Philpott of The Secret Ingredient

Episode 22: Tom Philpott

The American Way of Farming

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Episode 21: George Siemon

On the Spirit of Organic

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Episode 20: Leonardo Trasande

“Sicker, Fatter, Poorer” — Understanding Endocrine Disruptors


Episode 19: Kelly Ryerson

Becoming Glyphosate Girl


Episode 18: Carey Gillam

The Monsanto Papers

Bruce Lanphear

Episode 17: Dr. Bruce Lanphear

The Negative Impact of Toxic Chemicals on our Health

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Episode 16: Odessa Piper

Chef Odessa Piper on the Hidden Magic in Food


Episode 15: Sarah Minnick

Local Food, Local Flavor, Killer Pizza: Meet Chef Sarah Minnick


Episode 14: Leah Penniman

Farming While Black: A Conversation With Leah Penniman

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Episode 13: Nse Witherspoon, MPH

One Mom’s Passion and Career: Protecting Children’s Health

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Episode 12: Dr. Jifunza Wright-Carter

Healing Communities Through Healthy Food, Medicine and Compassion

Kevin Mahalko

Episode 11: Kevin Mahalko

All About Grazing and Why Cows Should Eat Grass

Jen Salinetti

Episode 10: Jen Salinetti

A Woman’s Story on Nurturing the Lan‪d‬

Joan Dye Gussow

Episode 9: Dr. Joan Dye Gussow

Grow Your Own Food, Eat Healthy, Be Activ‪e‬

Charles Benbrook

Episode 8: Charles Benbrook, PhD

Roundup Weed Killer: What We All Need to Know

Kathleen Merrigan

Episode 7: Kathleen Merrigan, PhD

Talking Sustainability With Dr. Kathleen Merriga‪n‬

John Ikerd

Episode 6: Author John Ikerd

Our Broken Industrial Food Syste‪m‬

Albie Miles

Episode 5: Albie Miles, PhD

Transforming Hawaii’s Food System by Empowering Native Hawaiian Yout‪h‬

Mackenzie Feldman

Episode 4: Mackenzie Feldman

Student Activism for a Herbicide-Free Campu‪s‬

Chef Ann cooper

Episode 3: Chef Ann Cooper

School Lunches, and Feeding Our Children During COVID-1‪9‬

Michelle Perro

Episode 2: Dr. Michelle Perro

Why Our Children Get Sicker: The Link Between Gut Health and Pesticide‪s‬

Phil Landrigan

Episode 1: Dr. Phil Landrigan

How Pesticides Are Threatening Our Children’s Healt‪h‬

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