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Charles, 2017c

Dan Charles,  “A Wayward Weedkiller Divides Farm Communities, Harms Wildlife,” NPR, October 7, 2017.


This NPR radio story focuses on the farmer to farmer conflicts engendered by the dicamba drift crisis.  Some farmers are eager for the new technology to address herbicide-resistant glyphosate, while others are devastated by drift damage.   David Wildly, an Arkansas soybean farmer says “It’s something that is so heartbreaking to me. I see farmers taking sides, and enemies being made.”   Farmers who support dicamba-resistant technology hope everyone will soon be using them so neighbors can’t be harmed.  The story then raises the issue of damage to native vegetation that pollinators rely on.  Richard Coy, a beekeeper with 13,000 hives in some of the most affected states, has seen damage to vegetation impacting blooming.  According to Coy, honey production across the region is down about one-third on average. FULL TEXT


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